Sound Particles SkyDust Stereo

Рейтинг: 5/5
Производитель: Sound Particles
Доступность:на заказ
18908 Р
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Virtual Synthesiser (Download)
  • New, extensive 3D synthesiser for spatial sound generation with 8 oscillators, 256-voice polyphony, stereo FM matrix, countless modulation options, arpeggiator and polyphonic sequencer, sophisticated preset system and much more.
  • Each oscillator has numerous basic waveforms with various waveform modifiers, five up to six-stage envelopes and five LFOs for pitch, filter, spatial control, volume and much more.
  • Each oscillator has its own multimode filter with adjustable key tracking, velocity, etc.
  • All eight oscillator strings can be used as FM operators and freely linked via a matrix
  • Built-in arpeggiator with seven patterns and additional octave shifting
  • Polyphonic sequencer with 128 steps, force scale function, various playback modes, control and manipulation options incl. spatial control
  • Extensive options for placing and moving the oscillators in the 3D audio field using envelopes, LFOs, via the sequencer, controller, etc.
  • Macro controller and modulation matrix for further sound shaping options
  • Internal effects section with four effects slots for bit crusher, delay, distortion, EQ and reverb
  • Choice of stereo output formats such as VBAP, MS Blumlein and Binaural
  • More than 100 HRTF profiles and import of own SOFA files for individual listening profiles
  • Sophisticated preset management with lots of ready-made sounds for immediate access, sub-presets for different areas of sound generation, search filters and random functions
  • Scalable user interface

Размеры и вес товара

Длина: 5.0000CM
Ширина: 5.0000CM
Высота: 5.0000CM
Вес: 1.0000KG

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